projeto: collaborative drawing

The Collaborative Drawing project was focused on transitory places in the Art Department, Universidade de Calgary. Durante o mês de Novembro 2013, Eu convidei alunos, professores, and passersby to stop and draw the outside view on the department windows. Esta atividades trouxe uma interrupção nos corredores, halls e escadarias, dando aos participantes uma pausa para apreciar a experiência de ver.. Por um momento estes espaços transitórios foram transfomados em pontos de encontro, convidando o observador a desenhar uma vista que possivelmente passaria desapercebida.

The video documentation for this project can be seen at


This project was reproduced at the University of Alberta in Edmonton for the Art and Design Graduate Student Association (ADGSA) symposium and exhibition Performative Ecologies: Thinking Through Research Practices, Março 2014. Here is the link with images of the event:


A third iteration of this project was held at the +15 between the Professional Faculties building and the Education Tower, Universidade de Calgary, May 2104.